Being completely alone in a foreign country where I don't speak the language hasn't been easy but I wonder how much can be attributed to the residue of 42 years of relationships. I have become used to a shared experience with partner and children and now the joy and pain are completely mine (and yours now!). Lonliness is a strange experience, you can be lonely in a crowd and unlonely by your self but really in the end it is only a state of mind and I like to change the rules in my head to change the experience. You know how time, which is constant, goes fast and slow depending whether you are enjoying yourself or not. Imagine if you could make it go slow when you are having a good time and fast when you are being tortured. It must be able to be done, it's only a state of mind.
My Italian is improving. I know all the regular patrons of my bar and we have great fun every night. They teach me new words then laugh at my pronunciation. They are a warm and loving people as long as you keep money, religion and the mafia out of the conversation! What's left??
"Lonliness is a strange experience, you can be lonely in a crowd and unlonely by your self but really in the end it is only a state of mind..."
Very well spoken!!!
I think the best state of mind in this field is when You are not alone, but there are space within the relation that allows one to be self with oneself.
have lovely week,
// Anna-Lys
Ahhh! Shang-ri-la. What we would all like to attain.
Have a more lovely week
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