Sunday, June 8, 2008


Had a great night fishing with son Sam last night. Your sun went down in a blaze of glory while his wind, keenly cold, could only muster a 60 grit ruffle on her sea.
Fishing only 200 metres from our house in our little boat we cast out floating lines (no sinkers) with a mixture of squid and pilchard as bait and caught many snapper most of which we put back to grow but kept three (one a 3.5kg beauty) and a kahawai for the table. It's a contemplative sport (I'm sure the fish don't think so!) and to have the ability to pursue it so close to home is priceless.
Inside today doing the dreaded end of year tax returns but in two days I'll be free as a bird so who's complaining.


human being said...

the silvey moon above
a hook
a father and his son
some love

chook said...

the smelly bait
the cold wind
a father and his son
tough love