Thursday, May 15, 2008

Not the Art News again

I received my new Art News New Zealand magazine this morning and for a moment I was excited because it was in a sealed plastic bag just like those ones on the rack in the bookshop with the impossible tits (not the bookshop). I was by myself in my own home, well it's actually rented but it smells like me, and I still furtively looked around to see if anyone was watching as I reached out to pick it up. Now I'm a fuuly (that'll do!) subscripted member of this said magazine and it seemed like a good idea at the time to find out who the art literatis' favourite sons (or even daughters) are but I don't feel like turning a page of the weighty tomb (I did so spell it right!). I don't think it will even light the fire in the morning and sure won't crinkle enough for loo paper. It did look good on the coffee table but already there are assorted chip packets, scummy dishes and other teenage paraphernalia lying on top of it and who am I trying to impress, my sports mad friends?
I might have to try to read it and be depressed again by it's carefully selected seriousness. I wonder when they write about me (and they will!) whether they will find reasons and big words about why I make my art. I hope so then I will know. Shit I enjoy doing it and sometimes just sometimes it looks and feels good (my Mama told me there'ld be days like this).
Mostly it just rains.


Sandra T said...

Making art because you enjoy it and it looks and feels good sounds like pretty good reasons to me. But you could always dress those reasons up in some of the jargon from the NZ art mag if you really want to impress...or depress...or repress...Interesting blog you have.

human being said...

sure they will write...
but if they do it in that depressing seriousness, they will kill some part of your art...
can they include your thought-provoking humor?
they should let you write about your art... you need no big empty words but simple true ones...

loved the way you constructively criticized the ego all we have...

chook said...

Welcome sandra t. Do you have the same problem with the mag? Yesterday I had a rejection note from a gallery, perhaps I should have used art-speak instead of bubble and squeak.
Enjoyed your blog too and you are close to home.

Hey HB, my art has been killed so many times it's rivalling my cat
(psychoccino) who is sitting next to me in front of the fire.
But the Resurrections oh the Restorations they are something to behold