Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Autumn has arrived with her cool hand brushing the trees with rusty gold and a deep stillness as if preparing us for her angry partner winter. The beach is almost always deserted now apart from the birds. More gulls, of course, the occasional blue heron fishing in the shallows, Mr and Mrs Smith the resident oyster catchers with their babies gone, no longer having to attack Merlot the dog, a big caspian tern standing like a weather vane, the noisy spur winged plovers and rarely the little dotterel looking lost and alone.
The sea too seems different. Darker almost thicker with a lazy swell reaching up on the sand trying to take back the wrack of seaweed and driftwood and shells left at high tide. John Dory also are being driven up on the beach from some crazy flaw in their makeup. The gulls get the eyes of the poor creatures but we get the fat, delicate fillets.
I enjoy the different seasons because I like change. When I was younger it used to worry me that I couldn't stick at anything but now I look back and see the experiences that I've had and it's all good.
The earth has just gone down and Sun has been exposed, let's hope she never changes!

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